Local Plan documents, assessments and evidence

Evidence papers

Housing Evidence

Fellgate Sustainable Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document: Site Capacity and Opportunities Paper (2024)

Site Frameworks for Publication Draft Local Plan 2023 to 2040

Site Selection Topic Paper 2024

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (2023)

Density Report 2024

Efficient Use of Land (2024)

Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showperson Accommodation Assessment (2023)

Houses in Multiple Occupation Topic Paper (2024)

Discounted Market Sales Policy Statement

Economic Evidence

Employment Land Review 2023

Employment Land Technical Paper (2024)

Town, District and Local Centres Studies (2023)

South Tyneside Economic Assessment (Dec 2021)

Natural Environment Evidence

South Tyneside Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) Strategy - March 2023

Local Green Space Topic Paper

Habitats Regulations Assessment (2023)

Phase 1 and National Vegetation Classification Survey for the Durham Coast Special Area of Conservation

Heritage Impact Assessments (2024)

Level 2 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment: Scoping Report (2023)

Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Addendum (2023)

Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Addendum Data - Sites Assessment (2023)

Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment: Sites Assessment (2022)

Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2022)

Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2022: Detailed Maps

Sequential Flood Test Report (2024)

Wildlife Corridors Review 2020

South Tyneside Playing Pitch Strategy (2019)

South Tyneside Playing Pitch Strategy Assessment Report 2019

Non-Breeding Bird Survey of the South Tyneside, Sunderland and County Durham Coast 2019 / 2020 (April 2020)

South Tyneside and Sunderland Coast Visitor Survey Analysis (Jan 2021)

The Air Quality Annual Status Report (June 2020) 

South Tyneside Waders Survey (2023)

Wind Development Study (2022)

Coastal Designation Justification (2022)

South Tyneside Landscape Character Study (Part I & 2) and Landscape Sensitivity to Wind Power Development (Part 3) (2012)

Open Space Study and Appendices (2023)

Climate Change Evidence

Climate Change Topic Paper (2024)

South Tyneside Carbon Audit (2021)

Green Belt Evidence 

South Tyneside Green Belt Study - November 2023

Green Belt: Exceptional Circumstances paper

Infrastructure and Viability Evidence

Infrastructure Delivery Plan (2024)

Strategic Road Network Forecast Report

Strategic Road Network Model Development Report

Viability Report and Appendices 2023

Traffic Assessment (2023)

Large Green Belt Release Accessibility Report 2021

Large Greenbelt Release - Aimsun Testing 2021

A194 / A184 White Mare Pool Emerging Pressures - White Mare Pool Junction Study (December 2021)

South Tyneside Waste Capacity Study 2023

Tyne and Wear Joint Local Aggregates Assessment

Joint Local Aggregates Assessment (April 2022)

Built Environment Evidence

South Tyneside Grade II Listed Buildings at Risk

Healthy Communities Evidence

Hot Food Takeaways and Obesity in South Tyneside - Evidence Report 2014

Hot Food Takeaways and Obesity in South Tyneside - Evidence Report 2017

Site Allocations

Brownfield Land Register (2023)

Authorities Monitoring Report

Authorities Monitoring Report